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Amrita SeRVe
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Empower villages all over India, the country with the world’s largest rural population, so that they may become healthy, prosperous and self reliant once again. Since they grow most of our food in India, such a move forward can be of benefit to us all.
Amrita SeRVe
Children in our villages across India return to the ancient art of yoga
May 17th, 2017
Naturally talented photographers from our Amrita SeRVe villages
October 13th, 2016
Nani Borvai, Gujarat
July 24th, 2016
Amrita University Student Internships in our Villages
June 12th, 2016
Ratanpur and Hadibad, Bihar
March 30th, 2016
Kalinagar, West Bengal
February 23rd, 2016
Harirampura, Rajasthan
February 23rd, 2016